
This page shows testimonials from MedhaJananam workshops and also other workshops based on the concepts of Foaum, such as the Colors of Humanity.

Sri Krishna Sudhamsu Kambhammettu
October 8, 2016
I attended the Nature Oriented Nurture workshop. The course is intended to help the audience (parents and teachers) understand the Nature (personality) of their kids and Nurture them accordingly. This is done by using Krishna Sarma’s very own concept of Colors that is built on the foundations laid by our Rishis in their description of varnas and panchakosas.

For folks who are tired of attending contentless “corporate personality development workshops” and brainwashing “spiritual courses”, this workshop can turn out to be a refreshingly pleasant experience. The reason for this is two-fold:

One, the concepts used are rich in content. While many other personality type indicators and psycho-analytic tools are arbitrarily built from sets of superficial empirical observations, the concept of Colors is based on a few fundational assumptions, including the concept of Pancha Kosas (five layers of human personality) Once these assumptions are in place all other behavioral traits (related to almost everything – like habits, hobbies, personal preferences, career preferences, spiritual preferences etc.,) follow as a matter of logical consequence. As Krishna Sarma puts it, this is like understanding all the material in this universe just by knowing the three atomic particles. This makes the theory simple, objective, and powerful.

Two, the content of the workshop is limited to giving the audience necessary tools to understand others and themselves better. Unnecessary/impractical fudae e.g. lessons on “living a happy life” are not given. This means one bears freedom and responsibility to use these tools to make his life and his surroundings better in his own way.

It is very clear that Krishna Sarma knows his subject a lot more in depth and breadth than what is required to be presented in the workshop. Evidently, he has the skills to teach and to connect with audiences of varied backgrounds. Three days of this workshop was not just sufficient for me to understand this fascinating subject to the degree that I want to.

The usefulness of this workshop was clearly apparent once I got back to work after the workshop. In daily interactions with various people at the workplace and at home, I could predict and understand their point of view much better than before. I found this useful, especially with new acquaintances. The fact that I can get to “map their personality” within few minutes into a normal conversation is simply amazing.

As I see, there is a lot more to learn, ponder and reflect. I’m looking forward to attending more of Medha Jananam/Foaum modules.
Medha Jananam - Ignite the Intellect
  • Welcome!

    Welcome to Medha Jananam!
    Medja Jananam is a Sanskrit phrase,
    which can be translated to 'Igniting the Intellect'.

    In our workshops, we explore
    the simple as well as the complex aspects of life.
  • Life

    The Journey
    of an imperfect being
    in an imperfect world.
  • Excellence

    अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति प्रयोगः तत्र दुर्लभः

    Everyone excels at some thing.
    It is the opportunities
    that are difficult to come by.
  • Part and Whole

    Human is to humanity
    what a cell is to the body.
  • Time

    We have to kill time
    till time kills us.
  • Live

    Live AS yourself,
    but not FOR yourself.
  • Life

    When you were born:
    the universe is divided into two:
    Inside and Outside.

    Life is an interaction between the two.
  • Bliss

    Unless you go beyond the founder, you don’t understand religion.
    Unless you go beyond religion, you don’t understand god.
    Unless you go beyond god, you don’t understand spirituality.
    Unless you go beyond spirituality, you don’t understand yourself.
    Unless you understand yourself, you don’t find the Truth.
    Unless you find the Truth, you don’t feel your fullnesss.
    Unless you feel your fullness, you don't feel the bliss,
    which is really what you are after.
  • Growth

    You need a shell to grow.
    You need to break out of the shall to grow.
    You need a womb to grow.
    You need to come out of the womb to grow.
    You need a home to grow.
    You need to get out of the home to grow.
    You need a religion to grow.
    You need to go beyond the religion to grow.
    You need a philosophy to grow.
    You need to come out of the philosophy to grow.


Medha Jananam workshops and retreats are based on the model of Foaum, which covers broad spectrum of issues about being a human, about life and about universe.

To learn more about Foaum, please visit www.foaum.org.

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