Vandana Vavilikolane
January 26, 2015
I would strongly recommend this workshop not only to parents but also for people who always question other people “Why are you like this”?
I was hesitant to sign up for the class in the beginning thinking how can I commit for a lecture for “24hrs” and without knowing what will be taught. I admire Mr Krishna Sharma once again for keeping high energy in himself to engage all of us with our discussions and answering our questions with great patience.
The first day was very interesting, getting to know how the little acts which we ignore, effect our kids thinking and thus their growth.
The various examples he gave made the topics more interesting, simple and easy to understand. Colors is a new concept for me and as the topic progresses one would start understand oneself and the human nature.
It won’t be easy to accept and digest to know our negative qualities but slowly as we dig into the concept and start appreciating ourselves with positive energy in each color, we all would like to know more about it and our strengths too.
I would like to practice the new way of thinking and understanding other people better for their positive energy rather than comparing and judging them. I strongly believe that, by doing so, we can understand our kids better and support and value their decisions.